for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.

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Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
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'In our first 2 months of advertising we sold 4 engines, 2 to Australia and 2 to Brazil. We deal in new and used engines and parts and advertising on DieselEngineTrader works very well for us - we get regular inquiries from all over the world.'

Kishore Bhatia, Engine Recycling International, Houston USA

'Sold lots of motors through You guys do a great job!'

Daryl Johnson, Johnson Engines, Harrisburg, Illinois, USA

'We've sold at least 6 engines through - it's great value advertising.'

Ted Hills, Ted's Trucks N Stuff, Midland City, Alabama, USA


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